The Pints Causeway

The Pints Causeway

We are building our own causeway around Ireland – The Pints Causeway. We are setting off around each and every town, sampling the best pints on offer and checking out the great drinking establishments of each town, village and city. 

As of March 2023 we have hit well over 400 pubs across the country. With plans lined up in the coming months for another massive run of pubs across multiple counties. As you will see from our Pub Tour blog page, we have started to add each pub one by one. If you head over to our Instagram here we are a little bit further along the road.

Since our initial Pints Causeway post on our blog last year we have got sidetracked enjoying the pints a little too much while touring pubs around this beautiful country. Although the pint loving, pub touring, mid conversation slurring will continue at pace this year, we plan to put serious time into getting every pub we have visited on to the website as soon as possible along with plenty of other juicy bits and pieces including video content, merch and more. We have already dished out some merch from a very limited early run of items. These included Pints Causeway, On the hunt for pints (Predator) t-shirts and beer mats. More to come very soon.

Pints Causeway
Recommended pubs, golden pints, pub crawls, obscure destinations. We have made a start and there is plenty more ahead of us!
Join us on our tour around every pub in the country, an epic pub crawl along the Pints Causeway!

Merchandise available on our store and we have much more coming soon (Contact us for more information)
The Pints Causeway