No.3 Home Bar

Home Bar Pints

Right so technically, no feck that…officially this is not a pub and we are not going to officially count it as one but for some reason when I started the Instagram page I posted pub 3 as “home bar”. Probably a lot to do with the fact I was a heap of cans deep watching the Super Bowl when I posted it. So for the sake of consistency and the fact I have a bar sign – I’m going to keep the home bar as number 3 🙂

The Guinness Nitrosurge were fairly monumental that night. The content of the Insta post is below.

We are going to hit every pub in Ireland. Its Super Bowl Sunday so it’s pints at home tonight 


Guinness Nitrosurge dishing up some serious creme de lá mon pintos.

Whatever you are at.. enjoy it and get some stout into ye 

On to the next one 👉

We Love Pints

Home Bar Guinness

1 Response

  1. January 6, 2023

    […] On to the next one 👉 […]

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